Art Work Family

the different professional knowledge of each member of the family allows for a wide range of creativity

13 village
bio Angèle

Angèle, Mischa & Virginie

  • Step into Angèle’s vibrant world, where colors dance, plants thrive, and earth becomes the canvas for atypical creations. With a spirit as radiant as the sun and a heart as nurturing as the soil, Angèle welcomes you to explore the beauty she cultivates.
  • In Mischa’s world, photography is not just about capturing images; it’s about capturing emotions, stories, and the essence of life itself. With each click of the shutter, Mischa freezes moments in time, transforming ordinary scenes into extraordinary works of art. Mischa’s artistry goes beyond conventional boundaries.
  • Virginie’s artistry is nothing short of magical. With a unique blend of pictorial technique and profound understanding of the human spirit, she moves through you, transcending boundaries with every brushstroke.



What they bring to you?

discovering art, questioning and yourself

Over 20 years' experience

they deliver the best

Internal and external cultural vision

Ideas, material and space possibilities

trio, duo or solo, their creations will touch you

and bring you happiness, joy and confidence

amuse gueule!

3 topics

For companies, art venues, private individuals, and cities. 

Paintings vehicle bodies, walls, facades...

Creation on large surfaces, objects, external and internal. Realistic, Mad Trash Glitter, Street/Wall Art. by Virginie & Angèle

Fratzen by mischa scherrer

Earth & Upcycling

We talk to you! and we have a lot to offer & new life for old objects.  Angèle & Virginie creations

altar il est ou le neige-1

picture & photography

Permettez-vous de voir le monde à travers les yeux de Mischa, et découvrez la magie qui se cache dans chaque image.

The process of a project with the Family

As a guide, here is how we organizes a project



Discussing your project together – Putting forward your desires, possibilities and solutions to implement what will have an impact – Dates, places, agenda. (first hour free)



after a joint agreement of the visual creation – a date, the place, the supplies, the scenery, the assistants, the material…according to the needs, will be set up to enter the matter



then the final production work will be done

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ça vient, soon, bald! 77%

C'est à vous !

for you...

...découvrez... Astuces...personnes originales... magnifique !

angele princesse